editing shortcuts

premier pro shortcuts, how to do things in premier pro quicker and more efficient. 
space bar- play/pause
Arrow keys, L&R-hold or tap.
Cmd z- undo. you can undo 20 times before it won't undo anymore. 
Cmd x- cut. we use cut too when I want to delete a clip instead of clicking loads to get to delete. 
Cmd c- copy. if you want to duplicate a clip you can copy it and then past multiple times. 
Cmd v- paste.
I- in. 
O- out.
this screenshot shows that I have moved all the folders that we loaded into a bin called 'footage' so we know where all the footage is then we can put in separate folders after.

                                                                                    in this screenshot you can see that I have dragged       my clip that I want out of bins to the timeline so                                                                                    I can edit it. 
