advertisement examples
john lewis Christmas add 2013
This advert is about a bear and a hare who are friends and go and see all the other woodland animals decorating the tree. The bear naturally leaves to hibernate for the winter and you can see that the hare is sad about it. We see days role by from the cave and then the hare delivers a present and we naturally believe it is not Christmas Eve. as the hare is standing alone while all the animals open presents the bear turns up and then you see ad realise that it was an alarm clock and the hare woke the bear up and you see the shocked look on the bears face because he has never experienced a Christmas before and he didn't know it was magical the the slogan 'give someone a Christmas they will never forget." comes on to the screen referencing the bears first Christmas and having deeper meaning of people who don't get too have 'magical' christmases.
I chose this as an example of an advert because I feel the target audience is all ages. you have the animals and it is animated making it have more of a less mature vibe that appeal to younger audiences but also the older generation see the deeper meaning. younger audiences see a a friendship of a bear and hare and then he leaves and then he sees how magical it is and children want to feel that too so think that 'John Lewis' can give them that Christmas 'magic' but also older audiences understand that not everyone has amazing christmases so supposedly if you gave them something from John Lewis it would make there Christmas better. the whole 'vibe' of the advert and the tone of colours gives you relaxed feeling, its not really bright on bold colours that get in your face.
they only sounds we hear in the whole advert is the song but if you listen o the words of the song you can see they relate to the video playing and help you understand the story.
the first two shot types are extreme longshot and medium longshot this tells us where the characters are, what the weather is like, what is going on etc. the the media longshots tells us the relationship between the characters and it shows us that they re friends because the hare is sitting on the bears back.
we buy any car, phillip schofield
in this add phillip schofield is sitting on some grass playing with a cat while he does a voice over of him talking about selling your car. the target audience for this is adults of any age because most people of any age know who phillip schofield is and when they see him on the advert they will want to see what he is doing and then they will be more likely to listern to what he is saying and even if you dont know who he is post people will watch a kitten because they are cute and attract peoples attention. the way he speaks in the voiceover is quite mellow and calming not in your face so you choose to listen to it you are not forced liie when adverts uise loud voices. the music is the same they use quite calming music that is peacefull and relaxing.
risk assessment

as you can see from my that it is important to have a risk assessment so that you and others can see the risks and how careful they need to be.
- the letter under hazard ref shows you what category it is under so that people know straight away.
- in hazard description you need to put I some detail what could happen 'drowning' is too vague, where are you going to drown. 'growing in a pool' is more precise and people know straight away what the risk is.
- in people in risk you need to write everyone at risk, not just 'crew' but everyone roles 'cameraman, director, actors etc.
- then you have to calculate what the risk is, so you time the severity and likelihood to get your risk factor.
- then you write what you would do to make it safer and redo it again but now with the severity and likelihood with it being safer.

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